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Certified Administrator in Physician Practice Management Credential

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Product Details
Enjoy new found confidence and pride in your career with this credential for practice managers who are at the top of their field. Having undergone this rigorous formal certification process demonstrates to employers that you possess senior-level, up-to-date skills and knowledge; qualities that merit increased pay, promotions, and long-term employment security Learn more...

Credential Description

Enjoy new found confidence and pride in your career with this credential for practice managers who are at the top of their field. Thousands of your peers have already been awarded this highly respected credential from the American Academy of Medical Management. Having undergone this rigorous formal certification process demonstrates to employers that you possess senior-level, up-to-date skills and knowledge; qualities that merit increased pay, promotions, and long-term employment security.

Now more than ever, the efficient and effective management of healthcare practices is crucial to maintaining American medicine’s high standard of care. The fact that you have taken on the challenge of certification speaks volumes about your commitment to that standard, and your integrity as a professional.

Requirements and Qualifications for Certification


Option 1: No Exam

  • American Academy 5-day programs offer up to 34.25 hours. 2-day programs offer up to 13.75 hours.

  • Copies of Certificates of Completion must accompany your certification application.

Option 2: PMIT Plus Exam

(Held at the end of the Practice Management Intensive Training. May be completed in any order.)

  • Successfully passing the CAPPM Exam
  • You may sit for the exam at any time BUT certification will only be awarded after 2 years of employment in physician practice management.
  • A minimum of 14 units of experience and professional accomplishment
  • All accomplishments must be relevant to medical practice management, and must have taken place within the past three years

Qualifying accomplishments include:
  • Employment: one unit for each quarter year of full-time employment in medical practice management (up to 12 units) with partial units awarded for part-time employment
  • Continuing Education: one unit for each accepted six hours of instruction (no limit)
  • Professional Contributions: one unit for each hour taught or each page published (up to 3 units)
  • Awards, Certifications and Professional Designations: one unit for each accepted item (up to 3 units)
  • American Academy membership: one unit per year (up to 3 units)
  • Association membership, one unit per year (up to 2 units)


  • Options 1 & 2: A minimum of 2 years of experience in medical practice management
  • A resume documenting this experience must accompany your certification application
  • Current full-time employment in medical practice management

  • An employment letter signed by your employer, denoting your position and dates of employment, must accompany your certification application


Current Membership in the American Academy of Medical Management


Full completion of this CAPPM Certification Application accompanied by all required supporting documentation

Please follow these instructions when completing the corresponding application:


Over the past there years, ONE UNIT FOR EACH QUARTER YEAR, full-time equivalent (up to 12 total units). To verify this information, please forward a letter from each employer (denoting your position and dates of employment) going back three or more years.


(Going back no more than three years.)

For each AAMM program, attach a copy of BOTH SIDES of the Continuing Education Units form. Should your Continuing Education not be through AAMM, you must attach documentation showing your attendance. The documentation MUST BE signed and dated and denote the topics, number of contact hours/CEU units awarded.

You may apply for the CAPPM credential without having completed all the required number of hours, however your application and potential certification expires 36 months from the date of application. PLEASE NOTE: CEU UNITS: Over the past THREE years, ONE UNIT FOR EACH SIX HOURS of instruction (no limit on the number of units).

For this requirement, AAMM will consider verifiable education from various associations and institutions of higher learning. HOWEVER, COLLEGE COURSES ARE NO MORE THAN ONE UNIT PER ACCEPTED CLASS.


Up to two total units, one for each qualifying award and professional designation. During the past three years, any individual awards recognizing your practice management expertise or professional designations, such as certification or any other related fellowship credentials.

Please provide complete information on the name, purpose, sponsoring organization, date, qualifications and any other data relevant to the award/ recognition that you have earned. PLEASE ATTACH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION - COPY OF AWARD OR LETTER OF ACHIEVEMENT.

Professional Contributions: Earned in Practice Management or other directly related areas of the business of medicine, over the past three years, one unit for each hour taught or each page published (up to two total units).

YOU MUST PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION IN THE FORM OF A COPY OF THE SEMINAR/ CLASS BROCHURE OR THE ARTICLE AS WELL AS A COPY OF THE PERIODICAL'S COVER. Awards, Professional Designations, or related Credentials: Earned in Practice Management or other directly related areas of the business of Medicine, over the past three years (up to two total units). YOU MUST PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION IN THE FORM OF CERTIFICATE OR LETTER FROM THE ORGANIZATION, WHICH GRANTED THE AWARD OR CREDENTIAL.


Up to two total units. One unit for each full-year membership of a national association or one-half unit for a local or state association during the past three years which is directly within the ream of practice management. Membership in professional associations related to the field of physician practice management is strongly encouraged. Such membership exposes the member to industry trends as well as opportunities for professional enhancement. PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD OR A LETTER FROM THE ASSOCIATION DENOTING YOUR LENGTH OF TIME AS A MEMBER.

NOTE: You will be notified of your application results via e-mail within 4 to 6 weeks.

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Certified Administrator in Physician Practice Management Credential
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