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Contract Review for Your Residency or Fellowship

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Product Details
Residencies, fellowships, and internships can vary widely, and so can their contracts. This phase of your training will form the foundation of your specialty—be sure the position you accept will set the stage for a stellar career in medicine. Learn more...

Residencies, fellowships, and internships can vary widely, and so can their contracts. You expect the demands of the job to be stringent, but that’s no reason to let yourself be taken advantage of. Learn the pros and cons of academic vs. nonacademic settings, fully recognized programs vs. individual arrangements, opposed vs. unopposed positions, and much more. We help you look at the big picture, including the location and work environment. Remember, this phase of your training will form the foundation of your specialty—be sure the position you accept will set the stage for a stellar career in medicine.

Product Description
This service includes the review of up to two contracts plus one telephone consultation per week for up to three months or until the signing of a satisfactory agreement.

NEED A SECOND OPINION?  If you've already worked with someone who didn't give you the best advice and was unqualified to counsel you for your career in the medical field, then can help review your unique physician employment contract the right way!

Remember, this is a medical practice management and human resources function. Our unique expertise leads the industry.

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Contract Review for Your Residency or Fellowship
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