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Interview Prep for Residents & Fellows

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Product Details
We evaluate your interviewing abilities and teach you basic interviewing skills giving you the confidence you need to shine during your next interview. Learn more...

We evaluate your interviewing abilities and teach you basic interviewing skills. Then we help you customize your approach to the specific situation. What is this employer or practice looking for? What are the key words and phrases that will get you the position? What are the questions you should be asking to make sure the position is the right fit for you? Who are the people you should be asking to meet during your visit? We give you the confidence to recognize that this is a two-way conversation—you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you.


This service includes two hours of telephone consultation in up to four sessions over a one-month period, along with a review and critique of one upcoming interview itinerary.

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Interview Prep for Residents & Fellows
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